"Basic Incident Command System Training Course"
The 505th SRG in partnership with the Office of the Civil Defense lead by RD Susana Cruz OCD-NCR supported by OA-8 headed by COL RAMON GUIANG PAF(GSC) recently concluded the 3 Day Basic Incident Command System Training Course at CJVAB, Pasay City. It was participated by different military units (525th ECB, PA,JTF-Luzon ,AFPRESCOM ,OA-3, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF NURSE, AFP,520th ABW) and civilian agencies(MMDA,RESORTS WORLD,BFP SRU). This activity aims to develop strategies and tactics in conducting and managing all incident operations and to enhance coordination with response partners from all levels of government and private sector.This momentous activity is also one of the thrust of CGPAF "Jointly Engaged Transforming Force for Greater Peace and Security" and also a part of SAR PLAN 2028 where we ensure the support of the stakeholders in order to achieve our breakthrough goal to upgrade capability to locate, penetrate,recover and sustain personnel or hardware in distress within the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone from Area Readiness 4 to 3 by 2022 and the entire Flight Information Region of the Philippines from Area Readiness 3 to 1 by 2028.